30 June 2011


1 July 2011
The Assembly of Deputies and Senators on the occasion of Poland's assumption of the Presidency of the European Union
Information about the Assembly

28 June 2011
95th sitting of the Sejm: the Government's information on the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the period 1 July - 31 December 2011
Addresses under this item of the agenda – verbatim record

8 June 2011
Sitting No 254 of the Sejm EU Affairs Committee: the Government's information on the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the period 1 July - 31 December 2011
Bulletin on sitting No 254 of the Sejm's European Union Affairs Committee (p.4)

Sitting No 148 of the Senate EU Affairs Committee: the Government's information on the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the period 1 July - 31 December 2011



28 June 2011
Meeting of the Committee on International Trade of the EP with Economic Committees of the Sejm and the Senate, and meeting with EU Affairs Committee of the Sejm

Meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the EP with Economic Committees and Education Committees of the Sejm and the Senate, and with the Innovation and New Technologies Committee of the Sejm, and meeting with EU Affairs Committee of the Sejm

17 June 2011
Meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the EP with Justice and Human Rights Committees of the Sejm and the Senate, Legislation Committee of the Senate, Rules, Ethics and Senatorial Affairs Committee of the Senate, and with EU Affairs Committee of the Sejm

Meeting of Conference of Presidents of the EP with representatives of the Sejm and the Senate




Instytut Spraw Publicznych: Prezydencja 2011



In June the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 8 meetings: no. 253-260 and scrutinised 72 EU documents.

During these meetings the committee:

  • heard the Council of Ministers' information on the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the European Union Council in the period 1 July - 31 December 2011 (no. 254),
  • adopted positive opinion (opinion no. 89) on candidates for members and candidates for deputy members to Committee of the Regions 2010-2015 (no. 255),
  • together with Local Government and Regional Policy Committee heard  the Council of Ministers' information on the future of regional policy in the context of multiannual financial framework 2010-2020 and held a discussion involving Danuta Hübner, chair of the Regional Policy Committee in EP (no. 256),
  • considered and adopted positive opinion (opinion no. 90) for the Public Finance Committee on the report on the implementation of the budget for the period 1.01-31.12.2010 in relation to SUE competence (no. 258),
  • considered and adopted positive opinion (opinion no. 91) for the State Audit Committee on the report on the activity of Supreme Audit Office in 2010 in relation to SUE competence (no. 258),
  • heard information on bills implementing EU law with deadlines for the first half of 2011.

Published in June:

  • information and documents concerning SUE meetings no. 253-255, 257, 259 i 260, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat – in SUE and IPEX databases (due to the technical break resulting from the launch of a new IPEX database on 17-28.06.2011, and a consequent period of adaptation, the documents in the database were published until 17.06, missing data will be supplemented at a later date).

Subsidiarity scrutiny in June *

(Information from IPEX database as of 6.07.2011)

Draft legislative act
Deadline for subsidiarity scrutiny
Adoption / transmission of a reasoned opinion
Chamber / parliament (country)
COM(2011) 169 15.06.2011 10.06.2011 National Assembly (Bulgaria)
COM(2011) 215 29.06.2011 8.06.2011 Chamber of Deputies (Italy)
COM(2011) 216 29.06.2011 8.06.2011 Chamber of Deputies (Italy)
 COM(2011) 245 1.07.2011 -  -
COM(2011) 275 21.07.2011 - -
COM(2011) 276 21.07.2011 - -
COM(2011) 288 21.07.2011 - -

* On 28th of June 2011 new IPEX database was launched. Due to the technical break in the functioning of IPEX website, data concerning adoption of reasoned opinions by national parliaments can be incomplete. The Sejm and the Senate have not adopted or transmitted in June any reasoned opinion.


In June three bills implementing EU law have been submitted – see papers no.:

  • 4326 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o organizacji i funkcjonowaniu funduszy emerytalnych,
  • 4331 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o wspieraniu rozwoju obszarów wiejskich z udziałem środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rolnego na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich oraz ustawy o wspieraniu rozwoju obszarów wiejskich ze środków pochodzących z Sekcji Gwarancji Europejskiego Funduszu Orientacji i Gwarancji Rolnej,
  • 4342 – Rządowy projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy - Kodeks karny i niektórych innych ustaw.

From among bills uploaded into the UST database before June, the following acts have been adopted [papers no.]:

  • Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o podatku od towarów i usług, ustawy o zasadach ewidencji i identyfikacji podatników i płatników oraz ustawy o transporcie drogowym [4201],
  • Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o komercjalizacji, restrukturyzacji i prywatyzacji przedsiębiorstwa państwowego "Polskie Koleje Państwowe" [4166],
  • Ustawa o wdrożeniu naziemnej telewizji cyfrowej [4016].

The following acts implementing EU law have been published [papers no.]:

  • Ustawa o zmianie ustawy o podatku od towarów i usług, ustawy o zasadach ewidencji i identyfikacji podatników i płatników oraz ustawy o transporcie drogowym [4201],
  • Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Prawo bankowe, ustawy o obrocie instrumentami finansowymi oraz ustawy o nadzorze nad rynkiem finansowym [3974],
  • Ustawa o zmianie ustawy - Prawo atomowe oraz niektórych innych ustaw [3939],
  • Ustawa o systemie handlu uprawnieniami do emisji gazów cieplarnianych [3887],
  • Ustawa o wyrobie i rozlewie wyrobów winiarskich, obrocie tymi wyrobami i organizacji rynku wina [3788],
  • Ustawa o kredycie konsumenckim [3596].
New books in the Sejm's Library
Przegląd Sejmowy Kronika Sejmowa


Articles on the current political-economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line


* Articles from the specialist periodicals available on the Internet or in the Sejm Library.