31 May 2013
10 May 2013 - the Sejm has accepted information on the Republic of Poland’s participation in the activities of the European Union in July-December 2012 (during the Cyprus Presidency) - resolution of the Sejm

In May 2013 the EU Affairs Committee (SUE) held 12 meetings: no. 148-159. During these meetings the Committee:

  • scrutinised 152 EU documents;
  • considered amendments tabled in the second reading to the Committee's draft resolution on Poland's participation in the work of the European Union in the period July-December 2012, during the Cyprus Presidency (paper no. 1209, meeting no. 148);
  • heard the information on the activities of the Polish delegation to the EU Committee of Regions (meeting no. 149);
  • heard the information on the current situation regarding the method of spending EU funds by Poland and all risk payments under the European Commission's clearance of accounts procedure, presented by Marceli Niezgoda, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Regional Development and Krystyna Gurbiel, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (meeting no. 153);
  • together with Public Finance Committee heard the information on the Communication from the European Committee "A blueprint for a deep and genuine economic and monetary union. Launching a European debate" (COM(2012) 777), presented by Jacek Dominik, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance (meeting no. 158).


Published in May 2013 in databases European Legislative Documents in the Sejm (EDL-S) and IPEX:- EU documents concerning which a procedure in the Sejm has begun in May,
- information and documents on SUE meetings no. 148, 150-152, 154-159, provided by the EU Affairs Committee secretariat.


Subsidiarity scrutiny in May

(Information from IPEX database as of 4.06.2013)

Draft legislative act
Deadline for subsidiarity scrutiny Adoption / transmission of reasoned opinion
Chamber / parliament (country)
COM(2013) 133 15.05.2013 8.05.2013 / - Senate (Belgium)
8.05.2013 / - Eduskunta (Finland)
7.05.2013 / - Oireachtas (Ireland)
3.05.2013 / - Bundesrat (Germany)
7.05.2013 / - Seimas (Lithuania)
25.05.2013 / - Senate (Poland)
- / 3.05.2013 Riksdag (Sweden)
7.05.2013 / 8.05.2013 Senate (The Netherlands)
- / 25.04.2013 Chamber of Representatives (The Netherlands)
COM(2013) 145 13.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 146 14.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 130 16.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 153 16.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 168 17.05.2013 7.05.2013 / - Cortes Generales (Spain)
COM(2013) 159 21.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 155 28.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 162 30.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 174 30.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 147 31.05.2013 29.05.2013 / - Chamber of Deputies (Romania)
- / 30.05.2013 Riksdag (Sewden)
- / 28.05.2013 Chamber of Representatives (The Netherlands)
COM(2013) 151 31.05.2013 22.05.2013 / 30.05.2013 Hellenic Parliament (Greece)
COM(2013) 161 31.05.2013 - -
COM(2013) 195 11.06.2013 - -
COM(2013) 197 11.06.2013 - -
COM(2013) 207 18.06.2013 - -
COM(2013) 226 19.06.2013 - -
COM(2013) 245 19.06.2013 - -
COM(2013) 246 19.06.2013 - -
COM(2013) 236 24.06.2013 - -
COM(2013) 173 25.06.2013 - -
COM(2013) 228 25.05.2013 - -

In May 2013 two bills implementing EU law have been referred to the first reading – see papers no.:

  • Government bill amending the act on rail transport [1407],
  • Government bill amending the act - Tax Ordinance and the act on tax inspection [1405].

In May 2013 from among bills uploaded into the UST database earlier, the following acts have been adopted [paper no.]:

  • Act of 24 May 2013 amending the act on rail transport and the act amending the act on rail transport [1046],
  • Act of 10 May 2013 on management of packaging and packaging waste [815].

 In May 2013 the following acts implementing EU law have been published [paper no.]:

  • Act of 5 April 2013 amending the act on road transport and act on working time of drivers [812],
  • Act of 5 April 2013 amending the act on the organisation of the fisheries market [1171 ].
  • Meeting of the European Affairs Committees of the Parliaments of the Weimar Triangle countries, Gdańsk, 13-14 May 2013
    Information on the meeting
  • Meeting of the European Affairs Committees of the Parliaments of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, Gdańsk, 12-13 May 2013
    Information on the meeting
  • Meetings of sectorial committees of national parliaments and the European Parliament
    • Meeting of Chairpersons of Environment and Energy Committees, Dublin, 12-13 May 2013
      Information on the meeting
    • Interparliamentary committee meeting "The role and experiences of National Parliaments in the fight against organised crime, corruption and money laundering", Brussels, 7 May 2013
      Information on the meeting
    • Interparliamentary committee meeting "The Future of European Defence: a NATO perspective - Understanding Political Islam: views from within", Brussels, 6-7 May 2013
      Information on the meeting
New books in the Sejm Library Przegląd Sejmowy Kronika Sejmowa (EN)
New on the OIDE website: European Parliament elections in 2014



Articles on the current political and economic issues in the EU from the specialist periodicals available on-line (accessed 06.06.2013)