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Wybory do PE 2014. Nowe regulacje, debaty, kampania informacyjna pdf
(EP elections 2014. New regulations, debates, information campaign)
OIDE Information No. 02, July 2014

As of 26 June 2014
Published: 1 July 2014
Authors: Danuta Adamiec, Regina Wąsowicz

Elections to the Eighth European Parliament are of special significance, as those are the first elections under the Lisbon Treaty. The publication presents new treaty provisions, as well as implementing legal acts related to the EP 2014 elections. It describes also initiatives and recommendations of the Parliament and the European Commission aimed at enhancing current arrangements for preparing and organizing elections, as well as procedure for electing the European Commission President. The publication includes also short summary of debates on European elections in the national parliaments and of the information campaign of the EP.

Keywords (EuroVoc): European Parliament, European election, European electoral system


Documents of the Sejm in the IPEX, European Commission
and European Parliament databases

OIDE Information No. 01, February 2014

As of 26 June 2013
Published: 11 February 2014
Authors: Daniela Kupis, Regina Wąsowicz

The publication presents information on Sejm's documents that result from the fulfilment of national parliament's control function over EU legislative process and are published in four publicly available Internet databases: the Sejm database called EDL-S and European databases of IPEX, the European Commission and the European Parliament.
The introduction to the databases has been made, including the EDL-S database, records of which, containing description of the whole Sejm proceedings in relation to each EU document, are linked to the IPEX interparliamentary database. Flaws and merits of all databases are discussed, as well as methods of searching and its results.

Keywords (EuroVoc): national parliament, document retrieval, principle of subsidiarity, database, EU institutions


Semestr europejski. Przewodnik po kluczowych dokumentach pdf
(European semester. Guide to key documents – published in Polish)
OIDE Information No. 00, January 2013

As of 11 January 2013
Published: 24 January 2013
Authors: Justyna Branna, Regina Wąsowicz

The publication presents legal framework of the EU cycle of economic policy coordination – the so-called European Semester. It describes legal basis of the Semester as well as documents concerning enhanced economic governance and budgetary surveillance carried out within this framework, with particular emphasis on the role of the European Parliament and national parliaments. The publication contains information on the course of the first two coordination cycles (2011 and 2012) at the level of the Union and Poland.

Keywords (EuroVoc): coordination of EMU policies, economic planning, budgetary control, national parliament, European Parliament