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Cooperation of national parliaments with the European Parliament


During the European Parliamentary Week (EPW) members of national parliaments and of the European Parliament participate in meetings devoted to economic, budgetary and social matters, particularly in terms of European Semester. During Parliamentary Week the meetings of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and the Committee on Budgets of the EP with relevant sectoral committees of national parliaments are held. The first Parliamentary Week of the European Semester was organised in January 2013.

Since 2014 within the framework of the European Parliamentary Week, besides European Semester meetings, the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union has taken place (IPC SECG). Agenda of this Conference, initially distinct, has been subsequently connected with the European Semester agenda: this document is published on pages of the IPC SECG meetings with the note "European Parliamentary Week".

In 2022, in the framework of the European Parliamentary Week the High-Level Conference on the Recovery and Resilience Facility has taken place (see XVIII meeting of the IPC SECG).

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Parliamentary committees meetings are held in the form of Joint Committee Meetings (JCM) and meetings of sectoral committees.

Joint Committee Meetings (JCM) are organised by the state holding the Presidency together with the EP. The meetings deal first of all with issues subject to European legislation.

Meetings of sectoral committees are organised on the initiative of committee of the European Parliament (Interparliamentary Committee Meetings, ICM) or parliamentary committee of the country holding EU Presidency (Committee Chairpersons Meetings).

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Joint Parliamentary Meetings (JPM) were organised by the European Parliament and the parliament of the country holding EU Presidency to discuss strategic issues, important to the Union and whole of Europe. They served as a forum of general discussion and do not aim at adopting common conclusions in a given matter. Meetings were hosted by the European Parliament in Brussels.

The last Joint Parliamentary Meeting took place in December 2011.

See more:
European Parliament website on relations with National Parliaments
Lexicon of multilateral parliamentary cooperation in EU affairs


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